Do you want feel happy in the current pandemic & enjoy relationships with friends and family you don’t agree with?

Imagine what it would be like to…

  • Remain calm and focused in the midst of stressful news or  developments that arise.

  • Energize yourself each morning with a positive, productive attitude for the day ahead in less than five minutes.

  • Transform negative fears and thoughts  that keep you stuck and unable to live the life you truly want.

  • Improve relationships with people you love and care about no matter where they stand on  polarized issues.

  • Pull yourself out of negative, self-defeating spirals.

These are just some of the things you can learn to do with Appreciative Living!  

Hi – I’m Jackie Kelm. In 2000, I started wondering if a powerful process I was using in my work as a management consultant (called Appreciative Inquiry) could create the same kind of transformational change in our daily lives as it was in hundreds of organizations around the world—such as Verizon, the U.S. Navy, Hunter Douglas, and John Deere.

While my life looked fine on the surface, I secretly struggled with depression and other issues that left me feeling exhausted and hopeless at the end of the day. So I started testing the same powerful principles in my own life and results blew me away.

In fact, a National Joy Study I did showed that just 3 fast and easy AL exercises led 97% of participants to feel significantly happier in just 28 days … and they continued to feel that way six months later.

This work has transformed my life and the lives of others beyond anything I ever dreamed possible.

While my life still brings challenges, it is full of joy—and believe me, it didn’t use to be. I have close relationships with friends and family who think differently, I’m healthier and taking better care of myself, and building the business of my dreams. And I’d like to help you do the same.

But don’t just take my word for it…

Jackie Kelm
“The Joy Engineer”

What people are saying

“During a period of difficult career changes, these exercises helped me stay positively focused and open to life’s amazing possibilities. The tools were simple—The results were profound!”

- Gene, Danville, Pennsylvania

“The exercises soon became a wonderful part of my day, setting it up in a positive and grateful way that carried throughout the day. When I am running late and do not do them, my day seems to be off track and full of challenges.”

- Rita, Ashland, Ohio

Get Your Free Joy Package Now!

The Joy Package includes 3 AMAZING GIFTS plus occasional emails on how to become happier, less stressed, and more effective.


Handle the Big Stuff


I’ll send you “The Flourishing Formula,” which is a step-by-step process that will help you handle your biggest issues, whether it’s fear of COVID, anger about social injustice, frustration with political divides, or whatever is waking you up at night.

I’ll show you how to:

  1. Identify your biggest pain point.
  2. Assess where you are emotionally.
  3. Give you tools to feel better and  move forward.


Feel Better Each Day


On day 2 I’ll send you Part 1 of my minibook, “Getting Started with Appreciative Living.” You’ll learn fundamental principles and tools that will help you develop an “Appreciative Mindset” to become truly happier.

I’ll show you how to:

  1. “Rewire” your brain to become naturally happier.
  2. Create more of what you really want in your daily life that you identified in the Flourishing Formula process.


Improve Relationships

A week after you’ve had a chance to digest the other gifts, I’ll send you Part 2 of my minibook, “Getting Started with Appreciative Living.” This will focus in on the power of  visioning, creating upward spirals, and other tips for improving your life and relationships.

I’ll show you how to:

  1. Get clear about what you really want in your relationships.
  2. Improve relationships that might be strained from polarization or other differences.

“Your work has continued to make a huge positive impact in my own life and the life of my coaching clients. I love the Flourishing Formula and I’m using it to get through a difficult time in my life. Thank you for all you create and continue to create. You make the world and the people in it a better place!”

– Cathy Parham, Wellness Coach

Send me my FREE Appreciative Living Joy Package, Ezines, & more to move up the emotional scale!

“I just wanted to let you know how much my husband and I have enjoyed your mini-book... most mornings over breakfast we do our appreciation journal and talk about what we’re grateful for. And we are catching ourselves when we’re talking negatively and unappreciatively more frequently. We’ve had great results and life seems a lot brighter in spite of New England winter weather!”